ARMA Blitz Training Complex

ARMA Blitz Training Complex

Sale $ 49.99
ARMA Blitz Training Complex, BLITZ is the perfect all-in-one training complex to take before, during, or after any workout or activity. Whether you're working hard in the gym, out facing your competition, or looking for a quick boost, this one-stop stimulant-free formula meets all of your training needs: sustained endurance, increased hydration, reduction of lactic acid, and more. You'd have to take as many as six separate supplements to get what ARMA BLITZ offers with its calculated blend of supplements for both short and long-term stamina while speeding up recovery. Proven ingredients like Palatinose, ElevATP, Glutamine, Beta-Alanine, and Cluster Dextrin help your body push through strenuous demands, perform your best, and fight to the finish line. Non-GMO, gluten-free, 100% natural flavoring, colors and sweeteners, stimulant-free. Note: To ensure ARMA certified products are safe for athletes, they test every single batch for banned substances before being released to the market. With Informed Sport, you can be confident your reputation is in safe hands. Key Ingredients in BLITZ: Training Complex: Palatinose: A scientifically-advanced sugar substitute - does more than add sweetness to AMRA Blitz. It also delivers a steady, slow stream of glucose while you're training to prevent energy dips when you're pushing hard. Since it's low on the glycemic index, you get a long-lasting stretch of glucose that'll keep you powered up all day. What makes Palatinose different from other types of sweeteners is the unique structure that requires multiple metabolic steps to break it down and release the glucose your body can use for energy. That slow release of glucose gives you steady blood sugar instead of a high and subsequent crash that comes with other sugar sources. Though it tastes sweet; it sits low on the glycemic index, and supports appetite control, smashes cravings, and helps you reduce fat and build lean mass. Beta-Alanine: Beta-Alanine helps the body produce carnosine - a protein building block found in the muscles, heart, brain, and other parts of the body - which boosts exercise performance. By reducing acidity in your muscles, it increases muscle endurance, increases your exercise capacity, and reduces fatigue. Its ability to boost exercise performance, as well as its immune-enhancing and antioxidant properties, make it possible for you to go harder, longer. Beta-Alanine also supports muscular endurance so you can have more productive, harder workouts while boosting muscle mass, particularly when engaging in anaerobic exercises, such as weight lifting. Cluster Dextrin: Cluster Dextrin - known as a game-changer in carb-based sports drink supplements - provides athletes a sustained release of energy. It is processed by the stomach quickly, which means it's ready for your body to burn as fuel in short order. Furthermore, you won't get that bloated feeling that comes with so many other carb supplements. Clinical trials show that Cluster Dextrin increases the time it takes to reach a state of exhaustion, while also decreasing the stress hormone response due to exercise. The bottom line? Cluster Dextrin helps you perform better and recover faster. As an advanced complex carbohydrate source, its low glycemic index means you'll get the energy you want without a blood sugar spike, and it's easy on the stomach. Glutamine: Hard workouts and physical activity can dehydrate your body and drain your cells of glycogen, the energy stores you need to keep your muscles powered. L-Alanine and L-Glutamine, and is clinically tested to aid with hydration while boosting recovery via the promotion of healthy muscle repair. Glutamine may help reduce fatigue or decrease muscle soreness during and after exercise. ElevATP: ElevATP combines ancient peat and apple polyphenols to increase endogenous ATP levels while supporting better performance, power, and strength. Awarded the Ingredient of the
ARMA Blitz Training Complex
ARMA Blitz Training Complex