Petitjean CDC Oil

Petitjean CDC Oil

Sale $ 12.95
Petitjean CDC Oil, Description: The CDC oil is used as a protecting "barrier" cream. A drop on the body of your flies will protect them from fish slime. The oil comes in a small bottle which can be attached to your vest.
Petitjean MP CDC Hackle Plier
Petitjean MP CDC Hackle Plier
Petitjean CDC Feathers 5 Gram Bags - Yellow (Old)
Petitjean CDC Feathers 5 Gram Bags - Yellow (Old)
Petitjean CDC Feathers 5 Gram Bags - Olive
Petitjean CDC Feathers 5 Gram Bags - Olive
Petitjean CDC Feathers 5 Gram Bags - Beige
Petitjean CDC Feathers 5 Gram Bags - Beige
Petitjean CDC Feathers 5 Gram Bags - Dark (Black)
Petitjean CDC Feathers 5 Gram Bags - Dark (Black)
Petitjean CDC Feathers 5 Gram Bags - White
Petitjean CDC Feathers 5 Gram Bags - White
Petitjean CDC Feathers 5 Gram Bags - Cream
Petitjean CDC Feathers 5 Gram Bags - Cream
Petitjean CDC Feathers 5 Gram Bags - Pink
Petitjean CDC Feathers 5 Gram Bags - Pink